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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Random Thought: Global Warming

Recently IFLS on Facebook posted some really great scientific information regarding Global Warming. But the vast majority of the comments to this post were of people saying variations of "Global Warming doesn't exist". What?? I'm going to have to compose a longer post at a later time and do some research into this, so this post is basically just a placeholder. While I agree that the earth goes through natural cycles of climate change (some extreme), is it really that far-fetched to think that all the strange new ways we humans are processing things (like fuel) could be causing some kind of difference in the climate AS WELL as the natural cycle of things? And even if we may not be 100% responsible, if something we're doing is scientifically proven to be causing some harm, shouldn't we try something different? I just don't get why people fight back SO hard when they hear someone mention "Global Warming", as if it's just something fake to be ignored as a conspiracy theory.

But then again, I haven't done my own research yet.. so I'll return once I have. Then maybe I'll understand people better. Or maybe not. ;)

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